Get rid of extra loose skin

Here are few tips to get rid of the extra loose skin and tighening it after losing weight ( or after pregnancy )

  • Try to lose weight slowly and steadily even after giving birth .
  • Use tightening creams esp. the ones that contain vitamin E & A which increase the production of elastin and collagen.
  • Avoid long sun baths and tanning .
  • Use collagen creams _although they are a bit pricey but they are effective.
  • Drink lots of water , no less than than 10 cups daily. 
  • Eat lots of proteins which increase muscle mass and tighten the skin.
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits : they contain the needed nutrients to build muscles and collagen.
  • Use castor oil : one of the best ways , mix castor oil with lemon juice , rub the skin daily and you will notice amazing results.
  • Almond oil : increase elasticity of the skin , gives hydration for the loose skin. Use daily for great results.
  • Sports with weights : obviously . To build and tone the muscles beneath the skin  and give tight great skin


Hope you find these tips useful , if you have any other tips , I will be glad to learn from you !
Until next time 

Sofy 💕💕

    Anti_aging foods !

    Here is a list of foods that prevent the appearance of wrinkles and improve the texture and complexion of the skin : 

    • Grapes ( black/red ) : increase the number   of the small blood vessels in the skin , so increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.
    • Dark chocolate : has anti_oxidant properties and increase the moisturizing of the skin .
    • Apples : have anti_oxidant effect and increase the cellular turnover .
    • Yogurt : has vitamin A , calcium and proteins in addition to the elements that help in digestion and absorption of nutrients .
    • Prune : fight the free radicals which cause the appearance of wrinkles.
    • Strawberry : contain vitamin C which is important for collagen synthesis.
    • Coffee beans : have anti_oxidants and it is important to stimulate nervous system , in addition to preventing early signs of aging.
    • Spinach : has anti_oxidant particles , it helps in keeping skin elastic and moisturized . It also helps in getting rid of dark circles around eyes because it contains vit K and C
    • Pomegranate : helps in building up collagen and it is an antioxidant . 

    Until next time 

    Sofy 💕💕

    Things that you should never do if you want great skin


    Taking care of your skin shouldn’t be temporary . It is a daily regimen that you must follow courteously to keep your skin healthy , clear and balanced .

    • Never forget applying sunscreen
    • Never forget to wipe the makeup at night and wash your face before sleeping .
    • Never forget to wash the face after the workouts.
    • Never use the same face towel several days .
    • Always use creams that contain anti_oxidants ( eg, Vit.C )
    • Don’t use only Face wipes for cleaning the face.
    • Never use expired makeup .
    • Never forget to clean the makeup brushes .
    • Never try pop pimples .

    I know most of you know these simple tips , but  this post is a reminder for myself and you .

    Until next time


    How to get your lips full of life again in winter ?

    In the chilly months the air gets dry, and our lips suffer for it. As they get chapped, they often get covered in a layer of crusty, peeling, annoying dead skin that usually ends up getting bitten or tugged off-and that doesn’t do anybody any favors.I have found a really simple way to exfoliate the lips at home and the result is fuller lips with luster .


    • Put some vasline on your lips . Vasline is rich in moisturizing oils.
    • Using a clean mascara wand , exfoliate the upper lip in circular motion for 30 seconds.
    • Then move to the lower lip and exfoliate for 30 seconds as well.
    • Make sure there are is no dead skin left on the lips. 
    • Rinse and moisturize the lips again.
    • Now you have full vivid lips .

    Hope you enjoyed the post , 

    Until next time , 

    Sofy 💕💕

      Get Rid of Black Heads

      Most of the women suffer from black heads appearing on their faces. There are simple , natural and easy ways to get rid of them and have a clear fresh skin.

      timthumb (1)

      1_ Mix 2 tsp baking soda with mineral water to get a paste. Apply the mixture on the desired area , leave it to dry for few minutes , then wash it with warm water. Repeat twice a week .

      2_Mix 1 tsp of cinnamon with few drops of lemon juice .Put them on the face for 10_15 min , and rinse with warm water.

      3_Mix 1 tsp honey , 4 tbsp tomato sauce and pinch of oats . Apply the paste on the face for 10 min , then rinse

      How to maintain a healthy skin for the rest of your life ?

      You know the aging signs of skin starts in early 20s . At that age , if you take some precautions and adapt new habits , you will overcome the irreversible damage period and you will get a healthy young looking skin for the rest of your life ! By habits I mean , a routine you follow everyday and NOT for a period of time !

      1. Alcohol : drink alcohol in moderation. Don’t overdrink! Alcohol will damage the collagen in your skin and speeds up the appearance of fine wrinkles and dark spots
      2. Smoking : smoking is a no_no ! Absolutely forbidden . The signs of smoking don’t take years to appear. Only few months are needed and the skin will aleady show overdryness , loss of elasticity and dullness.
      3. Overwork & stress : lack of sleep is very exhausting for body and mind. It increases the cortisol levels in body and skin will lose its healing abilites and repair mechanisms.
      4. Sunscreen application : you mostly know that the sun is the first enemy of skin and its UV lights cause irreversible damage and all aging signs . You should apply sunscreen with a suitable SPF in all seasons including winter ! 
      5. Dehydration : I know I am guilty here but dehydration is very bad for the body and it shows as dryness in lips and skin. Don’t wait your body to tell you it is thirsty , because thirst is a sign of overdehydration! Just drink plain water even if you don’t feel to. You should drink not less than 64oz ( 2 litres )
      6. Caffiene : coffee is slightly acidic and mess with your cortisol besides it is diuretic and increase the dehydration of skin 

      Until next time ,  

      With love , 

        How to minimize the size of pores ? 

        Although getting rid of skin pores completely is impossible (they are genetically predisposed), there are few tricks you may do to minimize the unpleasant look of pores. With smaller pores, you give your skin a glow and reduce the aging process.

        The pore is the opening of the hair follicle. Each one has an oil secreting gland (the sebaceous gland). Now, the pore size depends on the size of the oil gland and that’s why the pores on forehead, cheeks and nose are usually bigger- due to the large size of  glands present on those areas.

        In order to minimize the size of the pores, you should follow the following steps:

        1.  Every morning , use a gentle cleanser like  Skinn gentle exfoliator, and a gentle scrub to wash away the dead superficial skin like  Boscia face polish or Vasanti brighten up. You may also exfoliate the skin twice a week, using a face brush like DDF exfoliator or Pulsaderm Buddy.
        2. Be sure to apply daily moisturizer like Deep moisturizer from Belif and night moisturizer like 8 hour night cream moisturizer from Elizabeth Arden to make sure skin is kept well hydrated. Dry skin makes the pores bigger.
        3. Use advertised pore minimizing makeup like  Lorac cosmetics and Porefessional from Benefit. Make sure you use makeup suitable for your skin type(oily, dry or normal).
        4. Use serums that contain salisylic and lactic acid like those from Skin inc. These serums double as a micropeel and exfoliate which work on the skin slowly but effectively .
        5. Keep away of stress (cliché I know, but it’s true!): stress lead to increase in testosterone levels, and increase oil production.
        6. Avoid long sunbaths, smoking and other pollutants.
        7. Drink lots and lots of water!

        What do you think of these steps? Do you have pores? How do you minimize their look and how many of these steps do you follow? Share your secrets with us !

        Until next time!

        With love, 


        5 beauty benefits for apple cider vinegar 

        We have all heard about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar starting from aid in weight loss , preventing indigestion , soothing sore throat ect ect .. , but you may havent heard that apple cider vinegar has beauty benefits as well .

        1_ anti_dandruff : apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties and it helps opening of the clogged follicles in the scalp . It stimulates the blood circulation and promotes the regrowth of the hair by totally eliminating dandruff

        Mix 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar with 2 tbsp water . Add 10 drops of tea oil .. Message the scalp for five minutes with this mixture , then leave it for another 5 min , then you rinse as usual ..


        2_ for acne and pimples : apple cider vinegar has anti bacterial properties which prevent bacterial add up and keep pores clean .. It also maintain a balanced PH and this helps in keep the skin fresh always !

        Mix 1 part of vinegar with 2 parts of water . Soak a cotton ball with the mixture and wipe your face  . Repeat this process for many weeks and you ll notice the change . 


        3_ As a toner : Apple cider vinegar is an astringent and it is rich in alpha hydroxy acids which exfoliate the dead skin and reveal the new one !

        4_for sunburns : in the old times , apple cider vinegars was used to relief redness , prevent infections and rash .

        Mix equal amounts of water and vinegar and put the solution on the affected areas . 

        5_  for smelly feet : the antibacterial properties of vinegar eliminate this common problem.

        Put one cup of vinegar with 5 cups of water and soak your feet for 15 mins. then wash them well . 

        The best apple cider vinegar I used was : the bragg organic apple cider vinegar . 

        Do you use apple cider vinegar ? What do use it for ? Share with us your thoughts !

        Till the next time , bye 💕💕

        A night skin routine


        Every girl dreams in getting a velvety smooth skin .. After I tried many routines , I found that there are little things you can do and you will get noticeble results in no time.

        We know that not every one of us has a lot of time to take care well , so I ll try to make things easier for you and the readers .. 

        Most important is to stay away of stress as stress can age your skin by releasing the free radicals into the cells of the skin .. In addition , the cortisol , the stress hormone will increase in the body leading to unpleasant effects.. 

        Now for the simple routine :

        1_ Never skip applying a rich moisturizing night cream to your skin to let the skin renew itself and restore its moisturizing.. You will wake up with plumped young skin..

        From time to time , apply an overnight mask . It works wonders , esp for dry aging skin !

        Laneige water sleeping mask is highly recommended !  

        2_ Enjoy a 10 mins warm shower before bedtime , but make sure it is not very hot .. Otherwise , your skin will dry out.

        You can do yoga for 10 min instead of the shower . This will relax your muscles and brain..

        3_ Try to add natural oils to your skin at night .. This helps the thirsty skin to restore its moisture and will stop the anti_aging process .

        I use Argan oil  from acure , and I notic amazing results in the morning

        What is your night routine ? Do you follow any of the above steps ? Share your secrets with us  

        With love

        Chapped Lips : causes and natural methods to treat it

        Chapped lips is very common among women in all seasons especially during winter due to dryness caused by heating systems or in summer due to overexposure to sun . This causes lips to get inflammed and become red  and would lead to chapping and flaking of lips .. Other symptoms of lip dryness include pain , swelling , scaling , cracking and lastly bleeding ..

        This is an uncomfortable feeling . However , luckily , dryness of lips is usually reversible , self limited and self treated !

        Causes of dry lips include :

        1. Exposure of  lips to dry air . Lips don’t contain oil glands by themselves , so they need to be moisturized constantly ..

        2. Vit. deficiencies as A, B , C , and D

        3. Licking and biting lips constantly and peeling the superficial layer by teeth .

        4. Some drugs as Retinoid , lithium , chemotherapy

        5. Anemias and kidney problems

        6. Smoking

        7. Respiration through mouth

        8. Excess use of lipsticks

        Treatment of this condition :

        -Drink a lot of water to keep your body well hydrated ..

        -Use lip balm continously and in summer use lip balms with SPF 15

        – Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits

        – Exfoliate your lips ( removing the dead skin ) constantly by lip scrubs _diy lip scrub : (1 tsp of brown sugar , dash of honey , tiny drop of olive oil )

        – Make a natural lip mask and apply it twice a week ( 1 tsp honey , 1/2 tsp pomegranate juice )

        Medical Bridge :

        Cheleitis is the severe form of lips inflammation .. Usually related to Chron’s disease , Vit. B deficieny , infections , over exposure to sun , and contact allergies. Usually it is self limited , if the underlying cause is treated !